Hex Help

Here is one way to convert a hex number to a binary number.

First you need to know your binary numbers up to 15.

Decimal    Binary      Hex
    0          0        0
    1          1        1
    2         10        2
    3         11        3
    4        100        4
    5        101        5
    6        110        6
    7        111        7
    8       1000        8
    9       1001        9
   10       1010        A
   11       1011        B
   12       1100        C
   13       1101        D
   14       1110        E
   15       1111        F

A nibble is half of a byte or 4 bits.  Every hex character needs to be converted to a nibble.

Hex values 0 through 7 must be padded with zeros to the left to make 4 bits if there is a
hex charater to the left of that charater.

For example:

3 in hex would just be 11 in binary but A3 in hex would be 10100011 (added two zeros to the
left of 11) in binary.

A=1010 and 3=11 but you need to make 3(11) four bits wide so it would be 0011.
Put the binary values for A and 3 together and you get 10100011.

If you are trying to make a full byte (8 bits) you can pad zeros to the left.

For example:

3 in hex would be 00000011 in binary.

The chart above could also be done like this:

Decimal    Binary      Hex
    0       0000        0
    1       0001        1
    2       0010        2
    3       0011        3
    4       0100        4
    5       0101        5
    6       0110        6
    7       0111        7
    8       1000        8
    9       1001        9
   10       1010        A
   11       1011        B
   12       1100        C
   13       1101        D
   14       1110        E
   15       1111        F

More hex to binary examples:

D = 1101

D2 = 11010010 (D=1101 and 2=0010)

FE4 = 111111100100 (F=1111, E=1110, and 4=0100)

B0 = 10110000 (B=1011 and 0=0000)

A005 = 1010000000000101 (A=1010, 0=0000, 0=0000, and 5=0101)

Then you can convert from binary to decimal.
Click here for binary to decimal help.
