Octal Help (decimal to octal)

Here is one way to convert a decimal number to octal.

First convert the decimal number to binary.

For example:

560 (decimal)

512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
  1   0   0  0  1  1 0 0 0 0

560 (decimal) = 1000110000 (binary)

Then convert the binary number to octal by grouping the bits into three bits starting from the right.

1 000 110 000


Then get the octal values by using this chart.

Octal     Binary
    0        000
    1        001
    2        010
    3        011
    4        100
    5        101
    6        110
    7        111

000 = 0
110 = 6
000 = 0
1 or 001 = 1

Then put the numbers together starting from the left or reverse order.


560 (decimal) = 1060 (octal)

Another example:

448 (decimal)

Convert the number to binary.

256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
  1   1  1  0  0 0 0 0 0

448 (decimal) = 111000000 (binary)

Then convert the binary number to octal by grouping the bits into three bits starting from the right.

111 000 000


Then get the octal values.

000 = 0
000 = 0
111 = 7

Then put the numbers together starting from the left or reverse order.


448 (decimal) = 700 (octal)
